"Don't make me choose, because it will be him. It has always been him." Bella
Clearly, I am on Team Edward. I would also like to add that New Moon is my least favorite book in the series. With that being said...
The film adaptation of New Moon was amazing! It was everything Twilight should have been and more. It is astonishing what a bigger budget and a qualified director can do. The acting was better. The make-up was better. The script was better. The camera angles were better. Everything was better. This is the movie that Twilight fans deserve.
Thank you Chris Weitz (Director) and Melissa Rosenburg (Screenwriter) for respecting the story and the fans who love it. Thank you for caring enough to get things right. Thank you for not ruining the parts of the book that made it great. Thank you for presenting Jacob and Bella's story in the way that it truly was. Thank you for keeping Edward present even though he was a world away. Thank you for a beautiful film.
And a very special thank you to Chris Weitz for doing NOTHING like Catherine Hardwicke did and for directing Kristen Stewart in such a way that her acting wasn't too painful to watch.
The film version of New Moon is a wonderful adaptation of the book. It is what the fans deserve. It still breaks my heart that the film version of Twilight will forever be ruined. However, New Moon brings a new hope to the films to come.
In closing, I would like to thank the wonderful people at the University Mall Cinemark for being more than prepared for all us Twi-Hards and for making my 9 hour wait outside in the cold a little less painful.
To my dear friend and movie companion for life, Lacey, we survived the cold, the Team Jacob fans, and the Liberals in line behind us. Another great night that I will remember forever. Thank you.
And lastly, I have a message to the all the members of Team Jacob. You lose. Bella chooses Edward. It will always be Edward.