Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Blueberry Nights

My Blueberry Nights is just another movie that I stumbled upon while meandering through F.Y.E. I found it months ago, but just recently decided to watch it. I couldn't have picked a better time. It was exactly what I needed.
Jeremy (Jude Law) owns a 24-hour pie shop in New York City. It is a place where people go to drown their sorrows in pie and ice cream. One night Lizzie (Norah Jones) stumbles in looking for her boyfriend. Jeremy remembers everyone that comes into his little shop, not by name or appearance, but by the kind of pie they eat. After talking to Jeremy, it is confirmed that not only was her boyfriend there, he was there with another woman. Cut to Lizzie standing on a sidewalk gazing up at an open window in which her boyfriend is kissing another woman. A brokenhearted Lizzie makes her way back to the pie shop. Jeremy quickly asks her if she would like a slice of pie. She shakes her head yes and asks which pies he has left after the day's customers. He explains that he has an entire blueberry pie. He says that he always has an entire blueberry pie left at the end of everyday. She asks him why he continues to make them if no one ever eats them. Jeremy goes onto to explain, "...because there is nothing wrong with the pie. Blueberry is a good pie. Just because no one wants it right now doesn't change the fact that it is a good pie. One day, someone will want the blueberry pie." After hearing this, Lizzie asks for a slice of blueberry pie. Night after night she goes to the pie shop. Her and Jeremy spend the nights talking. And everynight she has a slice of blueberry pie. Most nights she cries and wonders why this had to happen to her. Lizzie is completely broken. One night she stands outside the pie shop just watching Jeremy. She decides that she is tired of being sad. She decides to leave New York City. She ends up in a small town in Missouri working as a waitress by day and a bartender by night. While there, Lizzie stays busy, makes new friends, and gets a piece of herself back. She writes to Jeremy telling him of all her adventures. After awhile, Lizzie decides to leave Missouri and ends up in Vegas working in a casino. While there, she continues to write Jeremy and realizes that she is starting to heal. Eventually, Lizzie returns to New York City and to the pie shop. Jeremy is there waiting for her. When she enters the pie shop, she sees a small reserved sign on her usual seat with a slice of blueberry pie sitting in front of it. She asks,"What's this?" Jeremy replied that it was "...just in case you showed up." They kiss. Through voiceover Lizzie explains that "...it took a year for me to get here, for myself to be ready for this moment."
As the credits rolled, I thought about how true Lizzie's story is. Sometimes we have to prepare ourselves for our destiny because we are meant for so much more than the right now. Endure. Make it through. Work hard and reach the true happiness that awaits you.