Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My "I Haven't Blogged in Forever" Top Ten

#1) I am finally going back to school to finish my degree in Elementary Education.

#2) I still hate Math as much as I always have.

#3) Great Guy + Young + Handsome + Biology = Someone who tries really hard, but is not a great teacher and is super confusing.

#4) I had a flat tire on Friday. Apparently there was a nail in it. Thank you to the good person who left the note on my car. Being that it was my back right tire, I wouldn't have noticed it for awhile.

#5) Speaking of notes on cars, I freaking hate all of the stupid advertisements that get put under my wiper blades. Send an email. Save a tree for cripes sake!

#6) Saw The Incredible Hulk. Loved it! Tony Stark made an appearance...woot!

#7) An important message from me: I hate shopping for DVDs at Best Buy. The aisles are only big enough for one person, so you are constantly moving for people. And the DVDs on the two bottom shelves of the aisles are pretty much impossible to see unless you are a contortionist. AND the selection is terrible. Any store that has more Animai Movies than Sci Fi Movies isn't worth the time of a movie intellectual.

#8) I am absolutely head over heels for Robert Downey Jr.

#9) Some of my favorite Robert Downey Jr. movies are: "Chances Are", "Chaplin", "A Guide to Recoginizing Your Saints", "Only You", "Heart and Souls", "Less Than Zero" and of course "Iron Man".

#10) "The Tramp can't talk! If he talks, he's dead! The magic will be gone."
~Charlie Chaplin fighting Hollywood's transition into sound.

Robert Downey Jr as Charlie Chaplin

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Chances Are...

......I am falling in love with Robert Downey Jr.

It all began with a friendly conversation at work.

"Have you seen Iron Man?"

"No, but I've heard it is getting really good reviews."

"It was sooo good! You have to see it Erica!"

"Ehh...I don't really like Robert Downey Jr. all that much."

"What!?! Why?!? Don't you like James Dean?"

"Of course! I LOVE James Dean!"

"Well, doesn't Robert Downey Jr. kinda remind you of James Dean?"

"I haven't really thought about it."

"You need to watch some of his early films. I just know that you will love him."
(Her eyes glaze over with pure adoration.)
"You need to watch Chances Are, you would love him."
(She sighs.)
"He is so handsome in that movie."

I was completely convinced at this point. I just had to experience the feelings that radiated from her face. I went to FYE after work and purchased the very last copy. I watched it that same night. My friend was right. I fell in love with Robert Downey Jr. almost instantly. He resembles Jimmy (James Dean) in many ways. It actually made me cry. So basically the movie goes like this...

Handsome young Washington attorney Louie Jeffries (Chris McDonald) has it all: a promising career, a beautiful wife, and a baby on the way. But after discovering a local judge is in cahoots with the Mob, Louie dies in a car crash and finds himself in Heaven. Unsatisfied with the customer service he's receiving, Louie jumps the gun and gets himself reincarnated before being administered the magic injection that will remove the memories of his former life. For the next quarter-century, Louie's museum curator wife, Corinne (Cybill Shepherd), remains true to her husband's memory, ignoring the frustrated devotion of Louie's best friend, Philip Train (Ryan O'Neal). Meanwhile, Louie's soul grows up in the body of Alex Finch (Robert Downey Jr.), an aspiring journalist. Alex's memories of his life as Louie return after he becomes romantically involved with Miranda (Mary Stuart Masterson) — the daughter he never got to meet. Soon, Alex/Louie is romancing his wife, spurning his daughter's advances, and frustrating Philip's attempts finally to woo Corinne.

I know it may sound a little weird, but it is actually a very charming movie.