Enjoy my latest discovery, British rock band McFly. In an effort to see more of Star Trek's Chris Pine, I decided to watch romantic comedy Just My Luck. As part of the plot premise, Chris Pine's character manages an up and coming band. The up and coming band is McFly. I was immediately captured by their music and began searching YouTube and iTunes for more. And so began my first blonde boy crush, Tom Fletcher (pictured above).
Below is a video of Tom and Danny, the two leader singers of the band, performing an acoustic version of McFly's song Everybody Knows. It is one of the most beautiful vocal performances I have ever heard. I hope you will watch it and swoon along with me. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of my blog and turn off my player before watching the video. Enjoy.
It is very often depicted in movies, people getting second chances. Someone (usually the leading male character) screws up in some monumental way. And suddenly everything feels hopeless. Then it happens, an epiphany. The person realizes that they made a huge mistake that they must make right. The person starts running, running to find the person that they did wrong. After an out pour of apologies and uninhibited emotion, the two people embrace and all is forgiven. Happy Ending music ensues.
Now I love a happy ending just as much as the next hopeless romantic; However, I feel its constant depiction leads us into a false sense of security. It is possible that at some moments in life, second chances do not exist. Sometimes you only get one chance to do right by someone. Perhaps they have already reached their limit of giving second chances. Or maybe they have just been so hurt in the past that giving second chances just isn’t an option for them. Whatever the reason, sometimes you mess up and that is the end. You lose that person forever and never get a second chance to make things right.
If you love someone, treat them in such a way that you will never need a second chance. This is not to say that people can be perfect or never make mistakes. But don’t do something in which there is no possibility of ever coming back from. If you truly love someone, you know what that something is.
And if you are lucky enough to receive a second chance, odds are there will not be a third, don’t throw it away.
“What we feel isn't important. It's utterly unimportant. The only thing that is important is what we do.” – Professor Rohl in The Reader
“Stop talking about love. It means nothing. What you feel only matters to you. It's what you do to the people you say you love, that's what matters. It's the only thing that counts.” – Stephen in The Last Kiss