And Edward's love for Bella is what captures me and makes these books mean so much to me. Everyone wants to know why. Why is there such a frenzy surrounding these books and movies? Why do people love them so much? What is the secret? It is different for everyone. People connect to the story in numerous ways and on many different levels. However, for me, it has always been Edward's love for Bella. It isn't the fact that he is a vampire. Or that he is strong and almost indestructible. It isn't the fact that he always seems to say the perfect things. Or even because of his perfect appearance. My love for these books comes from the idea that one individual can love another so completely. It is something that I want more than anything in the world, to be loved, exactly as I am. And it is for this reason that Bella and Edward's story is my favorite love story of all time and why, even after all the hype, Twilight remains my favorite book.
Twilight came to me during a very difficult time in my life. A time in which I loved someone who did not feel the same about me. A time when I lacked self-confidence and self-worth. A time in which I felt hopeless and very much alone. It allowed me to escape and brought me hope. And even still, in times when I feel like I'll never be good enough, like no one will ever love me, I think about Bella in all her imperfections and how Edward loves her so completely.
The Twilight Series will always hold a special place in my heart. Even years from now, wherever life finds me, when the hysteria has died down and a new phenomenon has swept over us all, I will think back upon this time and be grateful that I could experience something truly special.