Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Stupid Medication

"I can't stop itching!" -Joey in Overboard

Welcome to my today. A today in which taking medication to solve one problem, develops into an even bigger problem in the form of an allergic reaction.I started to feel rather itchy last night after taking a newly prescribe medication. Thanks to my sister's super smart fiancee, I was able to make it through the night by taking some Benadryl. However, my itch relief did not last. I woke up this morning itching like crazy. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and I couldn't believe my eyes. I had red splotches all over my face. Then I noticed hives on my wrists and ankles. They were so bad on my left ankle that I could barely walk.

When I arrived at the hospital, the nurse got me right into a room. I was given a shot in my hip and three different pills. I have never been so thankful to receive a shot in my life. The itching subsided quickly and most of the hives were gone within a few minutes.The doctor gave me some medications that I have to take for the next few days. But all in all, I'm feeling much better now.

However, I was really disappointed that Dr. Kovac wasn't there to treat!


Jeanie Doll said...

Why do you think I came so fast to pick you up?! I was planning on faking an injury when I found him. I am glad you aren't itchy anymore girl!! Love you!

meghan said...

yeah Erica you have a blog.. Sorry to hear you had such a bad day. Although I am excited to see you on here!

here is our family blog