Where to begin...
Last night was the premiere of the sixth Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince. I was lucky enough to attend a midnight showing of the movie with my good friend and movie buddy, Lacey. We had the greatest time! Here is a rundown of the night's events...
My Harry Potter movie story all begins with a scarf. I was online talking with my friend Stewart and I mentioned that I wish I had a scarf to wear with my super sweet Harry Potter t-shirt. Being the amazing guy that he is, he immediately got on the phone with local businesses in search of the Gryffindor scarf that I greatly desired. Within minutes I recieved a message from Stewart telling me to put my shoes on and come get him. When I questioned him, he simply said, "There's a scarf in it for you." I was so excited! We made our way to Tailor Made in Provo. They had a ton of Harry Potter memorabilia. Instead of a scarf, I decide to get a Gryffindor tie. Stewart tried to talk me into getting Lacey a Slytherin tie. I had to explain to him that only boys like the bad guys. Lacey, like me, would be wearing a Gryffindor tie. Stewart was nice enough to tie the ties for us. He had to tie them a couple times...I was being a tad picky.
When Lacey arrived at my house, we squealed in excitement. She had made herself a cute t-shirt that had MUGGLE across the front in Harry Potter letters. In our Harry Potter themed shirts and ties, we made our way to the bathroom to apply lightening bolt tatoos to our foreheads. Pleased with our appearance, we decided to have a what-do-we-remember-from-the-6th-book pow wow. Shortly after, we left for the theatre.
We had decided in advance to see the movie in Sandy. The theatre is 45 minutes away, but has reserved seating. After the Twilight line jumpers, we decided the drive was worth it to have guaranteed good seats. The drive ended up being more than worth it for so many reasons. The Mega Plex had been transformed into a Harry Potter Hogsmead Festival. They had Maurader's Maps that showed the location of every event taking place. It was a Harry Potter fan's dream. The festival had:
Gringott's Wizard Bank
The Leaky Cauldron
Divination (Fortune Telling)
The Three Broomsticks Inn (Butterbeer and Cauldron Cakes)
Honeydukes Sweets
Potions (A wizard was mixing different things together. It was cute.)
Ollivanders (People were selling hand carved wands.)
Platform 9 3/4
There were also numerous trolley carts selling chocolate frogs, Bertie Botts every flavor beans, and every other candy you could get on the Hogwarts Express. They also had a young man who looked a lot like Harry Potter available to take pictures with. I really wanted to do this! Lacey and I stood there for a long time while I tried to decide if I was going to do it or not. Ultimately, I decided not to do it based on my tight budget situation. However, I did buy a button that said Seeker on it which I am happy about.
I think the most exciting thing about the night, apart from seeing the movie, was all the people wearing costumes. I shouted out loud and pointed in excitment when I saw: Dobby, Mad Eye Moody, Professor Trelawney, Bellatrix Lestrange, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, and an entire Quidditch team. There were also a ton of Harry Potters and people just dressed as wizards and witches. It was such an amazing thing to see.
Before we knew it, we were in the theatre waiting to see the movie. Our seats were awesome and the excitment was papable. The lights dimmed and we all screamed. Cheers echoed through the theatre again when the movie title appeared and the Harry Potter theme was played. The movie was amazing. It is by far the best Potter film ever made. Everything about the movie worked and was well done. I walked out feeling like the people involved in making the movie not only cared about the story, but also cared about the fans of the book. I plan to write a more detailed blog on the movie after I see it again. I already have tickets for Friday. I also plan to read the 6th book again.
Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince is a movie about having the courage to fight for good, no matter how scary it may be. A movie about growing up, relationships, and facing the ultimate evil of Lord Voldemort. Go see this movie. You will love it!
Last night was the premiere of the sixth Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince. I was lucky enough to attend a midnight showing of the movie with my good friend and movie buddy, Lacey. We had the greatest time! Here is a rundown of the night's events...
My Harry Potter movie story all begins with a scarf. I was online talking with my friend Stewart and I mentioned that I wish I had a scarf to wear with my super sweet Harry Potter t-shirt. Being the amazing guy that he is, he immediately got on the phone with local businesses in search of the Gryffindor scarf that I greatly desired. Within minutes I recieved a message from Stewart telling me to put my shoes on and come get him. When I questioned him, he simply said, "There's a scarf in it for you." I was so excited! We made our way to Tailor Made in Provo. They had a ton of Harry Potter memorabilia. Instead of a scarf, I decide to get a Gryffindor tie. Stewart tried to talk me into getting Lacey a Slytherin tie. I had to explain to him that only boys like the bad guys. Lacey, like me, would be wearing a Gryffindor tie. Stewart was nice enough to tie the ties for us. He had to tie them a couple times...I was being a tad picky.
When Lacey arrived at my house, we squealed in excitement. She had made herself a cute t-shirt that had MUGGLE across the front in Harry Potter letters. In our Harry Potter themed shirts and ties, we made our way to the bathroom to apply lightening bolt tatoos to our foreheads. Pleased with our appearance, we decided to have a what-do-we-remember-from-the-6th-book pow wow. Shortly after, we left for the theatre.
We had decided in advance to see the movie in Sandy. The theatre is 45 minutes away, but has reserved seating. After the Twilight line jumpers, we decided the drive was worth it to have guaranteed good seats. The drive ended up being more than worth it for so many reasons. The Mega Plex had been transformed into a Harry Potter Hogsmead Festival. They had Maurader's Maps that showed the location of every event taking place. It was a Harry Potter fan's dream. The festival had:
Gringott's Wizard Bank
The Leaky Cauldron
Divination (Fortune Telling)
The Three Broomsticks Inn (Butterbeer and Cauldron Cakes)
Honeydukes Sweets
Potions (A wizard was mixing different things together. It was cute.)
Ollivanders (People were selling hand carved wands.)
Platform 9 3/4
There were also numerous trolley carts selling chocolate frogs, Bertie Botts every flavor beans, and every other candy you could get on the Hogwarts Express. They also had a young man who looked a lot like Harry Potter available to take pictures with. I really wanted to do this! Lacey and I stood there for a long time while I tried to decide if I was going to do it or not. Ultimately, I decided not to do it based on my tight budget situation. However, I did buy a button that said Seeker on it which I am happy about.
I think the most exciting thing about the night, apart from seeing the movie, was all the people wearing costumes. I shouted out loud and pointed in excitment when I saw: Dobby, Mad Eye Moody, Professor Trelawney, Bellatrix Lestrange, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, and an entire Quidditch team. There were also a ton of Harry Potters and people just dressed as wizards and witches. It was such an amazing thing to see.
Before we knew it, we were in the theatre waiting to see the movie. Our seats were awesome and the excitment was papable. The lights dimmed and we all screamed. Cheers echoed through the theatre again when the movie title appeared and the Harry Potter theme was played. The movie was amazing. It is by far the best Potter film ever made. Everything about the movie worked and was well done. I walked out feeling like the people involved in making the movie not only cared about the story, but also cared about the fans of the book. I plan to write a more detailed blog on the movie after I see it again. I already have tickets for Friday. I also plan to read the 6th book again.
Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince is a movie about having the courage to fight for good, no matter how scary it may be. A movie about growing up, relationships, and facing the ultimate evil of Lord Voldemort. Go see this movie. You will love it!
Sounds fantastic! Almost like it was a scene straight from the pages of J.K's novels, you really captured the excitement with lush details in your writing and descriptions. Thank you for sharing
Dang it! I am so jealous that I cannot be there to be apart of it. I remember watching the first scene of the first movie and knowing I was going to enjoy what followed! How can you not love a classic good vs evil movie?!
Sounds like you had an awesome time! I can't wait to see it=0)
Thank you for the post Erica!! It was like reliving the evening. Even though my family is now picking on me for being such a Potter freak, it was totally worth it, and they are definitely missing out!! Thank you so much again, I always have a great time movie watching with you!! Too bad there isn't a HSM 4 to look forward too!
Lacey, your family is crazy! Being a Harry Potter fan is the best! You're right, they are definitely missing out!
Write a new blog :p
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